Velkommen til Gardermoen Parkering

Feltene markert med * må fylles ut



Parking starts and stops automatically when driving into our parking area. If the gate is not/doesn’t open when entering, a booking must be made on our front page prior to entering. 

Pre-paid by credit card : ONLY area D by /Scandic ( Opens 20th June 2024)

Area A,B,C:

Pay automatically
Create an online profile with your credit card, and drive in and out of our parking area without stopping. Your card will be debited automatically with the correct amount. Receipts are available in your profile.

Pay online
Up to 48 hours after leaving the parking area an online payment is available. Enter your license plate number and pay for parking.

Pay by invoice
This option is only available for vehicles with license plates registered in Norway; If you do not use any of the payment options above, an invoice will be generated after 48 hours. The invoice will be sent to the vehicle owner. A fee will be added.

Vehicles with license plates registered outside of Norway must either pay with an online profile or pay online on our webpage.

Failure to pay will result in collection through other channels.